Renowned hitmaker Daka boy, Mthimbani, is gearing up to launch his latest album on January 15th, marking a significant milestone under the guidance of his new manager, Philani.
The album is a rich fusion of more than 10 tracks, showcasing a vibrant collaboration between hip hop artists and Xigaza talents. Notable collaborations feature big names like Semifree, King Tsonga, Atchaar Music, Kay Murder, and several other promising acts.
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Backed by a stellar production team, including long-time collaborator Riccomentals, alongside Manotry and Matic Beatz, Mthimbani’s album promises a diverse sonic landscape.
Among the anticipated tracks in the album are “Till I Die,” “Love Back,” “Maxaka ya Mina,” “Macheleni,” “Mhani Wa Mina,” among other compelling compositions. Fans can expect a melodic journey through Mthimbani’s musical prowess and storytelling.
The buzz surrounding this release has already ignited excitement among music enthusiasts, eagerly anticipating the official drop of what could potentially be a game-changer in the industry.